Disclaimer: This is for the purpose of education only. Don’t try to self supplement or self medicate.

Treating a Musculoskeletal Issue with Peptides

For a patient with a musculoskeletal issue, I would recommend both the thymosin Beta-4 (TB4) and the pentosan polysulfate. Both of these can greatly reduce the inflammation and pain.

The TB4 is available as an injectable, subcutaneous. The pentosan polysulfate is invaluable as a topical cream.

I would recommend the 0.25ml daily dose of the TB4 for 20 days and the 2mg/kg dose of the Pentosan Polysulfate twice weekly for 6 weeks. I think this combination would tremendously help!


So if the answer to a musculoskeletal problem including trauma is a return to normal physiology, let’s do it the way the body does it, using peptides natural to the body.