Disclaimer: This is solely for the purpose of education. Do not attempt to self medicate with peptides in any way. If you or a loved one with cancer needs help, please approach an open minded oncologist or a physician well trained in the use of peptides.


Cancer should surpass cardiovascular causes as a worldwide killer next year. And different types of cancer are becoming more and more resistant to the current toxic drugs and large biologics like monoclonal antibodies big Pharma develops.

Peptides which up regulate the body’s ability to respond to its own growth hormone (GH; it governs the return to homeostasis in situations of disorder including aging and disease) are natural to our physiology and so less toxic than drugs.

One particular type of peptides known as antimicrobial peptides (AMP) may be able to treat cancer.

Discussion of AMPs

Yes, AMPs may be able to treat cancer. They have particular characteristics that may allow them to treat certain cancers like colon and breast cancer. One, they are so small, it is easier for them to penetrate into bone marrow and large vascular tumors. Two,
they have a positive charge. So they are attracted to tumor cells which have a characteristic phospholipid cell membrane making them particularly negatively charged.

AMP’s function is to disrupt cell membranes by creating pores in cell membranes, thus leading to apoptosis (cell death). So, if AMPs kill cells and are small enough to be clinically useful and getting to large tumors and are attracted to negative cancer cell membranes because they are positively charged, AMPs may treat certain cancers.

Risks of AMPs

While the antimicrobial peptide is valuable in fighting colon cancer, it can make lung cancer worse. It should be avoided in lung cancer.

AMPs have different effects in different tissues. So care must be taken before they are used. This is not something that can be done in private practice.